So far for this week, in our home, things have been pretty laid back. Nothing to exciting going on here. Kids have been good, except for a few minor incidents, but nothing truly horrible. Henry sold his Mazda (finally) I was
beginning to think I would see that car forever. Now for the hunt of finding him something else. He has been taking my car to work with him, so
obviously I have been stuck inside. There are days that I never leave my home when I do have my car, but the thought of not being able to leave is a little different than not wanting to. I did some grocery shopping and made sure we had every thing in the house so I wouldn't need to leave. We have just spent our days coloring, learning the alphabet, reading books (over and over) and of course trying out new things with Lexi's hair. This has definitely been enjoyable for me!
Today we did Lexi's nails......

This is something she begs for me to do often! She always wants me to do the french tips, not just one solid color anymore! Also here are some more of the hair styles I have tried the last few days!

Cute nails! I will take a pedicure when I get home in June as well :) Haha. Rereading books? Does this mean I will be getting a phone call from Lexi soon so she can "read" me a new book?