Thursday, April 30, 2009

Off in never neverland

I just realized (well before I made over my page) that I haven't blogged in quite some time. Lots of things going on in our home. The nice hot weather is here!!!! So we have been busy with the beach and outside playing, and anything to get us out of this house. I have been running around getting Lexi ready for preschool. Catching up on her shots, getting all the records I need, and now I am trying to find a good place to put her. I am on a hunt :) Also Lexi once again has double ear infections, that we caught by surprise at one of Christopher's Dr. appointments. Also she had to have blood work done to test for allergies. Then to top it off, in June she is having her hearing tested, not only for little speech delays, but she is a mouth breather and I think something is going on in there with fluid and such. Well to rest my mind we are having her tested. So hopefully I'll keep up a little better with the blogging....Until next time :P Good Day!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wacky Wednesday

Such a random day...I woke up and decided to go and get Lexi caught up on all her shots. She is going to start preschool here soon and I need these all up to date in order for her to start. She had to get 4 of them! poor thing. She didn't even cry though. I couldn't believe it. Then when I was done I had to go to my moms and pick up my camera. I also stopped and looked at a house I saw online for sale, but it was definitely not what I was looking for. Then off to the house for lunch. Henry came home for lunch and then he wanted to go to the mall before he had to do a car at 4. So we went to the mall! We didn't find much, just some shoes for the kids at payless. Then Henry had to go to work. I could have either gone with him and helped or do something else. I decided to continue shopping. I ended up at several stores, and I came out buying 6 pairs of shoes, 6 complete outfits and two pairs of shorts. (All for the kids). My grand total with all places was only 150.84.....about 8 bucks was some scrapbook stuff from target. So how about that...Did I do good or what? I was truly amazed at myself. What a random, weird, good kinda day!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Terrific Tuesday

AHHHH. What a wonderful day! It truly was a terrific day! I absolutely LOVE rainy stormy days! The day started when my kids and I got to watch a butterfly come out of its chrysalis. It was really cool! Then I finally got to eat Olive Garden! I have been wanting to eat there and Shannon was complaining about having to be stuck inside all day because of the rain so I decided I was going to go to Olive Garden and invited her along. I said I would NEVER go out with her and her three kids to lunch....Just makes me nervous with too many kids, but it went rather well. We even got compliments on how well behaved our kids were. Then over to Jo-anns for Shannon to get some fabric, and then home. I stopped at the gas station on the way home. I bought a scratch off and I won 100 bucks!! Wahoo! I know it isn't much, but I was truly excited! heh heh! Then to cook dinner...and finally to finish the night off with baths, stories, and then catching up on some of my shows!! YAAA BABY!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Manic Monday

As far as Mondays go....this surely was a crazy one! I was exhausted Sunday night after all the Easter fun, and just did not want to wake up. Well eventually I had to. So, up I was. Now what to do first? Well I checked emails and such....trying to waste time so I didn't have to do what needed to be done. Eventually I fed the kids lunch and out the door we went. First, trip to BJ's. I usually do a Bj's trip about every ten days or so to stock up on some foods, but this trip was a much needed bigger trip. We not only needed food, I needed to get toilet paper, stock up on soaps, deodorants, and know the bulky stuff! Off to home to carry up the cold stuff. I leave the really big stuff and things that don't need to be refrigerated for Henry to bring up when he gets home :) Things got put away, and then off to Super Walmart. I don't normally grocery shop here, but I wanted to try it out! It was great. I got a ton of things! I even got a bunch of Easter candy 50% off...wahoo! Off to home again to put everything else away...oh ya in the mean time I had a package to pick up at the laptop came in...SWEET!!! I got home and put the groceries away, and then just had to turn the laptop on and test things out! Then it was time to make dinner....I made it, we ate. After dinner I then cleaned the whole entire house, mop, bleach, scrub brush and all! JOY! After this, I debated on whether or not to go and do was 8:30 already, but I didn't want to do it tomorrow, so I decided sure do it now, and tomorrow you can relax!! It is done, all the laundry finished! Tomorrow I will indeed relax! That was my Manic Monday!
Now the kids the whole day were not on their best behavior. It seems the days where I need to be doing things and cant mend to their every need they just mis behave ALL day. I could not sit and watch cartoons, read books, play princess bingo, yada yada. When they were supposed to be cleaning their room, they were hitting each other, whining and complaining. In the stores they kept asking when we were leaving, and if we were done yet, because it was taking too long. Dinner time, UGH, Lexi just had a fit because I made her eat her salad. Plus all day all I heard is how they wanted to eat more candy, more candy! Well it is over and tomorrow should be terrific!

Monday, April 6, 2009

What's that in my belly button?

YES! It was absolutely amazing! There we were heading down Siesta Drive, and Lexi felt it! For the first time, and no one even told her! When we were little literally EVERY Saturday morning my mom took us 3 younger kids to the beach with her. Like before everyone got there. We would stay all morning, eat lunch, and then stop at McDonalds and get ice cream on the way home. Well on the drive to and from there is a little "bump" when you go over it fast enough you get a tickle in your stomach. We were going over it heading to the beach and Lexi felt it! She had a tickle in her belly and said what is that in my belly button. It made me smile. It was a small little thing we always did growing up and made a big deal over going fast over the bump, and now my kids can do it! I love it! We were out there to collect some shells and sand for my mom to take to Utah for Lyse's class. I shoulda realized when I took them that we were not going to get out of there dry. We started collecting the shells by the water, and slowly but surely they both ended up fully in the water! They loved it, I forgot how much they loved the sand and water since we hadn't been out there all winter! We will definitely be making some more trips out there more frequently!
Later on that night when I was driving home from Jamie's I got pulled over!!!! I knew I was speeding just a little bit, and just couldn't believe I got pulled over though. It was 11 o clock at night and I still hadn't taken my heart rate medicine, so my heart was racing quite fast b/c I was nervous! I seriously was worried for myself (lol) anyways he knocked on my window and I rolled it down. He said I am so and so with the Sarasota County deputies office, do you know why I pulled you over? I said no (heh heh) and he told me I had a light out! PHEW! That was it, a stupid light out in front! He let me go with a warning and told me to get it fixed right away b/c I could have gotten a 100 dollar ticket! So Henry and I went to Walmart at 12 in the morning and bought a new light and fixed it right away! NO TICKETS FOR ME!!! wahoo! Then we went out dancing! My mom had both the kids alone for the first time by herself over night! Then Sunday morning I picked them up, and we hung out with Dad all day. We went to the mall and to a few other stores. We stopped at his parents for him to eat some thing they made from his country, and I did his sisters hair! Then off to home and to bed! We have all been a little under the weather the last few days, antibiotics and all, so we have been having early nights! Then that leads us to today! Nothing special going on today, just went and ate lunch at the mall with dad on his lunch break, made a few store stops, and then home. At one store I bought the kids new "learning books" Lexi came home and practiced her letters, and Christopher his shapes! Cant wait until Lexi is in real school and learning these things from a teacher! That's it Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, summed up in one blog :)

Friday, April 3, 2009

The patient

It was 5 am....I was suddenly awakened...I thought to say out loud Lexi, go back to your bed, but it was Christopher. You see, my children are not aloud in our bed. On occasion we will let them stay in our bed in the middle of the night, but most nights we do not. It is not a habit we want them to pick up. Lexi is the one I am ALWAYS sending back to her room in the middle of the night. If Christopher is coming to my room there has to be a reason. I saw it was him and let him stay. I noticed he was tossing and turning and not going to sleep, so I decided to wake up (be fully alert). He was breathing funny. It didn't seem like he could catch his breath, then he started coughing (barking like a seal really). I then took him out of the bed put him in the bathroom with steaming water running, put vicks on him and gave him some medicine. This is not the first time this has happened to Christopher. It actually happened quite frequently when he was much younger, hadn't happened for a while. He then told me he wanted to watch cartoons. So I let him. This started the day of me catering to his every need. He was now the "patient". I got up and got him his every demand. I felt bad because I know he felt horrible. Come 11 o'clock though he was unbearable and I made him take a nap. He was just getting too whining and wouldn't let me leave his side. So he slept!! YAY!!! When he woke up he was as good as new. It was like he was never sick. He coughed a few more times during the day and his nose ran a little bit. He was still whiny and I felt bad still so I did as he wanted and let the bad things he did slide today making him one day full of excuses. We hung out with grandma for a little bit. Saw dadda at work. Met up with a friend for a quick exchange. Came home made dinner, and a cake! Christopher was still pushing his luck, he didn't even eat his dinner and I told him if he ate a banana he could have cake.
Now does this look like a boy who was sick today? Eating cake with milk all over his face. He blew bubbles so hard that is splattered in his face. I didn't even get mad at the horrible mess I had to clean up, all because he was sick today.