Monday, March 9, 2009


My children are such curious creatures. They question and wonder about things I cant even imagine explaining to them at such a young age. Last week Lexi wanted to know where all the people come from. Then today Mr. Christopher was checking out my belly button and said "babies go in there". I chuckled and then just let it be, thinking to myself why was he thinking this now? Then a few brief seconds later he asked "how do babies go in there?" I smiled and paused, thinking what do I say, then I just said mommies and daddies make them. He liked that answer and left it be. Then his sister walked out of her room and he had to tell her "Lexi, daddy puts babies in there." Their little minds always seem to make me snicker. The picture.....Just thought I would share what my children found comical today.

Also I wanted to share this with whoever, I found these today and to much of my amazement, I did not know some of these things....maybe you did?

*Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.
*Women blink twice as often as men.
*It's physically impossible to lick your elbow. (Did you just try?)
*No English word rhymes with month.
*Our eyes remain the same size from birth, but our noses and ears keep growing.
*The shortest complete sentence in English is "Go."
*The average life span of a major league baseball is seven pitches

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