Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Funnies

Oh what a day! Today was one of those days were I just needed to get a bunch of things done around the house. I had no time to play with my children today. I needed to start studying. I needed to cook and clean. I needed to get things done. My children did not like this. They fought all day long. They were so mean to each other. I dont know how many time out and spankings I had to hand out. I lost track. To top off the bad behavior, out of no where Lexi got a fever. 101 when I checked it and gave her some tylenol. Now it is gone, mysteriously it has left....hopefully it wont be back in the middle of the night. She seems fine, but Lexi is the fever child. They creep up on her out of no where, and come and go at all hours. Just when I thought the bad day was going to turn into a bad night, something happened they got the funnies.

They always know what to do or say to weezle their way out of time out. I was so frustrated at them that I sent them both to their room and told them not to come out until I said it was ok. They did indeed come out before I said, but this is how they looked when they came out. How could I not laugh. I decided to stop everything I was doing and we played a litttle while. I'll finish it when they go to bed.

1 comment:

  1. To cute. I had one of those days also. Except noe fever for Katie just nots of "Hold me."
