We have had a very fun filled summer so far. My last blog I wrote was about adventure Island when my sister was here. Well she is gone now (been gone for some time) but while she was here we did several more fun things, including bowling, some trips to the "cookie mall" the beach, and way more! Now that she is gone, we are still keeping up with summer activities. I have found my self to be keeping some what of a "tan" (by no means tan, just not as pale as my normal self) this summer. I also find myself sweating and being absolutely disgusted with this hot weather, but hey this is Florida, that's why we swim and go into the ocean, to cool off!! Lexi has started Gymnastics. So far so good, she seems to like it. I never had the opportunity to do these things when I was little because my mom raised 4 kids all on her own, so I am VERY thankful that I can put Lexi into something. We are still looking to find something for Christopher, we are hoping soccer or karate. If he doesn't start something this summer, then he will do something while Lexi is in preschool this year! YAY!!! Monday-Friday 9-12 she is going to promise land preschool. Hopefully we can get this family into a better sleeping routine and we can all be in bed and up early for Lexi to be off! I cant wait to start this next chapter in her life. I am so excited to see my little girl grow up and learning all that she does (we could do without the miss prissy sassy attitude some days) but girls will be girls! Christopher seems to be calming down in some ways (I guess). He is still 3 and acts it! He loves wrestling with his dad (and of course Levi). He is for surely all boy...eh well kinda...when he isn't playing dress up with Lexi.... He seems to be having "growing" pains these days. Everyone says he has shot up and grown a little bit. Poor kid is feeling all of it. Other than him being a wild animal, and Lexi doing her girly thing. We seem to be having quite the fun summer. Birthday parties, baby showers, all sorts of fun things these days. Well here are a few pictures of the kiddos the last few days and one of my oh so sexy man :o) Shhhh don't tell him I put this up here, he'll kill me! He is not a picture person and I had to snap one of him b/c I just couldn't resist!

this post made me smile! :)