Monday, August 31, 2009

Boys will be Boys

It isn't out of the ordinary to hear me yelling at Christopher to get down, or to stop jumping on the couch, or whatever oddly animal activity he is doing. Today was no exception. "Christopher get down." "Stop jumping on your sister." "Don't jump on there.""Stop, you're going to get hurt." Well finally today may be the day he stops these things....probably not, but only time will tell. Wanna know why? He fell off the couch and scraped his whole back up! He cried for forever. Of course I was like see I told you why you are not supposed to do that. He says he wont ever do it again, but ha we will see. Lexi to says she will not be jumping on the couch. Lexi also was crying and yelling "Ba, why did you do that, you scared me. Don't do that again." Well here is the picture...kinda gross so don't look if you don't like gross things......

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The First Day of School

Don't turn around my little child
don't watch me walk away...
Because I'll want to take you home
and keep you one more day...
Standing tall in brand new shoes
your hand is on the door...
If I could freeze this moment, dear
you'd be my babe once more...
But new adventures wait for you
new places and new friends...
The road ahead is wide and long
and filled with forks and bends...
It's time for us to say goodbye
you show the strength I lack...
for as I turn to leave you there
it's I who must look back...

Thursday, August 13, 2009


My my what a handful Christopher has been these last few weeks! Very stubborn little boy he is! But he still manages to do things I cant help but aww over. I went to check in on the kids shortly after I put them to bed and Christopher was sleeping with Lexi. He asked me if he could sleep in my bed, but I told him I wasn't going to sleep yet and he had to go back to his bed. So I guess he hopped in bed with Lexi! Such a cutie (when he is asleep) :o)